ProjectWise Administrator Help


Displays the list of ProjectWise applications, which are used to represent programs that users have installed on their computers. For each ProjectWise application, you can define action associations that specify which program is to launch when a ProjectWise Explorer user selects to open, view, markup, or print a document that is associated to that application.

Right-click the Applications datasource node and select:

  • New > Application — to create and add a new application to the list.
  • Export Application Configuration — to export this datasource's list of application definitions (which includes each application's configuration information, such as extensions and action associations) to a single XML file, either to be edited and re-imported, or to be imported into another datasource.
  • Import Application Configuration — to import any valid XML file containing application definitions. (You can also use the DMSCONV.EXE utility.)
  • Properties - to apply granular security to this datasource node, and to view the audit trail report for this datasource node.

To edit an existing application, right-click the application in the list and select Properties.